One of the things that you can integrate into your marketing and advertising are sound business practices that are ethical in nature. Fully comprehending your marketing audience is usually not possible, therefore this is not a far-fetched idea whatsoever. Any business that is ethical by reputation is something that consumers will tend to gravitate towards. Brands like this usually have a stronger customer loyalty base. Now, all of that translates into growth and profits, and maybe you had no idea about that. This is something that you can do to improve your business – you simply need to have ethical business practices. Only by educating consumers will they actually understand this.

Ethical Standards
There is actually a trickling down, from upper management, to the workers, based upon their beliefs and attitudes in regard to business. If you have a bunch of workers that do not have ethical standards, they should at least know how they should conduct themselves while working. But it is this basis of having policies of sound business ethics that helps a company deal with ethical concerns more effectively. Very many times, employees will have ethical issues while working. You can be guaranteed of having a problem like this that will eventually have to be dealt with. Whenever these problems arise, if the company is properly prepared, the issues will be handled without any incidents. For most people, all one can do is do their part to contribute to society and have a positive impact.
It is a combination of doing things for your community and society, as well as yourself; it creates a positive cumulative effect. That is the nature of any society in any country around the world. When you think of business ethics, and the choices that company makes, the same type of philosophy applies. You will notice that companies that are counterproductive are typically unethical. Those that are ethical make contributions to society. It seems safe to say that most businesses act properly and make this positive contribution. An ethical business will always get you be to society in some beneficial way.
Good Vs Poor Decisions
Many times, for reasons outside of the control of the company, poor decisions will be made, and clients and customers will be adversely impacted. You’ll notice that the business will be affected by its ethical climate. The company that practices good ethics will tend to do more toward making good on these unfortunate events. Most of us have experienced dealing with businesses that behave in the opposite way. Most of the time, this is what most companies will do. We have come to expect the worst. The effect is extremely dramatic when a company actually acts ethically when such situations arise.
The ethics of the company, and the decisions that they make, good or bad, usually comes down to risk management on the part of those in charge. The process whether or not they will be caught, and if they do, if they will be prosecuted for their actions. Large companies will do much better in court, especially in comparison to a solo entrepreneur. Any company that decides to have ethical behavior that is negative in any way is usually doing so because of a risk management option.